How do people dress at Imperial Berean?
Regular attenders to our Sunday morning service dress in a variety
of styles. You’ll see some blue jeans and you’ll see some ties, and
lots of stuff in between. Dress in a way you’ll be comfortable.
What should I do with my children during the service?
Nursery is available during Sunday school and the worship service. You are also welcome to keep your family with you.
Should I participate in communion?
Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, is an important part of the worship service the first Sunday of each month. During communion we remember what Jesus did for us at the Cross, and we proclaim that we have made the message of his saving sacrifice a part of who we are. We practice “open communion,” which means you do not have to be a member of Imperial Berean to partake in communion. The Lord’s Supper is for anyone who has, by faith, believed that Christ’s sacrifice on the Cross is the only thing that can save them from God’s wrath. We leave it up to parents to determine the proper time for their children to participate. Finally, no one is expected to participate or will be looked down upon for not participating. If you are not comfortable participating, just pass the trays along to the next person.
Am I expected to give money in the offering?
No. Each week we pass offering plates during our services, but visitors are not expected to give. Feel free to give—but only out of an expression of love and faith in God, not out of a sense of obligation or avoiding looking bad by not giving.